

Tutčint Youth Empowerment Nature Advocates

Thanks to our “Route to Parks Grant,” Tutčint Nature Advocates participants spent Saturday, July 24, 2021 at Castaic Lake State Recreation Area, in northern L.A. County.  Youth gained knowledge about traditional ecological knowledge including ethnobotany with topical areas such native land management strategies aligned with the summer season. It was a warm beautiful day to take in the natural beauty, enjoy a short hike, socialize, and swim at the lower lake lagoon. Castaic contains over 11,200 total acres of parkland and open space habitat and is a location Tutćint hopes to return in the near future for camping, kayaking, and star-gazing.


Tutčint Youth Empowerment is accepting enrollment 

Complete Tutćint Referral 


Tutčint Youth Empowerment Program aims to create social justice leaders by reclaiming our Indigenous knowledge and focusing on the holistic approach to well-being. Our services are open all youth in the community.