

Our Waw’kish Team Takes to the Field

Pukúu Cultural Community Services’ has formed a team to play in the Los Angeles Waw’kish League. The men and boys practice every Tuesday from 6p.m-8pm. Our men and boys teams were instructed by Richard Bugbee (Luiseno). Pukúu’s team made their own Shinny sticks out of willow poles and learned the history of the game and the fundamentals, practicing ball handling and passing.

This year, during The Los Angeles Native Youth Leadership Journey to Yuma, Arizona, Pukúu had four players nominated to go on the trip. The boys were invited to play against the Quechan Nation and Cocopah Nation in a kid’s tournament.

Though our boys had never played a game before, they were excited to play in their first game and represent Pukúu and the Tataviam Tribe. The game was rough but our boys were able to win a few games. They were happy to be able to play against other teams and made new friends on their trip.

Our Waw’kish Team Needs:

  • Snacks & Water
  • Practice Location
  • Transportation
  • Practice Jersey / Team Shirts

Would you help us fill our Waw’kish team’s needs?