

Los Angeles Native Youth Visit Other Nations

ON JUNE 9TH to June 13th, Pukúu along with AICC, SCIC , UAII, and the Tataviam Tribe sent nominated youth to a Leadership Journey to visit the Quechan Nation and the Cocopah Nation. Pukuu and the Tataviam Tribe had 6 youth that participated: Sabrina Ortega, Ruben Ortega, Adriane Rodriguez, Bruce Ortega, Aaron Ponce and Andrew Ponce. During their five day trip they learned five values: respect, tradition, sovereignty, balance and wellness.

Wednesday, the value learned was respect; Quechan hosted a welcoming ceremony for our youth that was usually only done to welcome royalty.

Thursday, our youth learned the importance of sovereignty, meeting Mike Jackson, the Quechan President, and the Council of the Quechan Nation; our youth also got a tour of the Tribal Office and Education Departments. The youth had lunch with the seniors at the Senior Center, where the youth shared Tataviam bird songs with the elders.

Friday, tradition was taught to the youth by visiting the Cocopah museum. They met the Cocopah Chair Dale Philips, played shinny, watched peon, and sang and danced with the bird singers and dancers on the reservation at a traditional housing site.

Saturday, wellness was taught as the youth sat in a Cocopah tribal meeting and a border patrol presentation. In the evening, they went bowling and played laser tag.

Sunday, balance was taught; the youth reflected on their trip and how they would balance their culture with issues of everyday life. A photo of Pukúu’s youth group was published in the Yuma Sun, Cocopah Nation, and Quechan Nation Tribal Newspaper.