Taking donations now to support the local Tribal and Native American community
San Fernando, CA, January 14, 2025 – Pukúu Cultural Community Services has reactivated its Fire Disaster Assistance fund in a devastating time of wildfires across Southern California. Many families and individuals were forced to leave their homes and memories behind. We have prepared emergency assistance for families and individuals who have been directly impacted by the wildfires in the Los Angeles County area.
The Fire Disaster Assistance fund was established after the Sayre Fire that impacted the local tribal community, the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians, who founded Pukúu. Our founders’ ancestral homelands are annually impacted by wildfires. Pukúu reactivates this fund only in a time of wildfires to provide critical assistance to the local Tribal and Native American community in the county of Los Angeles.
Pukuu is taking donations to the Fire Disaster Assistance fund https://www.pukuu.org/services/fire-disaster-assistance/
Pukúu Cultural Community Services is a Native American nonprofit with a mission is to invest in sustainable programs that bridge and improve opportunities for American Indians with culturally-based community services now and for future generations. Members of the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians, the California Tribal Nation of northern Los Angeles City and County, formed Pukúu in 1971 to better the lives of their people.