Elders Breakfast Spring Equinox
Our Spring Equinox celebration with the elders of the Fernandeño Tataviam Tribe and Pukúu was a great success!
It started with an opening blessing done by Rudy Ortega Jr. Then, our volunteer master chefs — Tribal Treasurer Elias Ornelas, Tribal Senator Cathy Salas, Director of Special Projects Pamela Villasenor, Ruth Cano, Tribal Office Assistant Adriann Ponce and Pukúu Programs Assistant Cathy Diaz – got to work serving up a delicious breakfast and fixing the games before hand.

Tribal Senator Cathy Salas, Ruth Cano making breakfast
Our elders enjoyed sausage, eggs and pancakes topped with fresh fruits. Pukúu Chair Kat High brought her homemade cactus fruit syrup gathered and canned by hand for the pancakes.
We played 10 exciting bingo games and online games that had the whole room silent, just waiting for the next number to be called by Pukúu’s Executive Director Rudy Ortega Jr. Our bingo game winners chose from dream catchers, beautifully painted gourds, necklaces, and three gift cards to Dennys and Walgreens. I wasn’t that good, to be honest, as I am new. And now I decided to play free bingo games so I can get more prepared for the next event.
We also had a Native American representative from the U.S. Census Bureau, Melissa McGeisey, visit the breakfast. She expressed to our elders how important this census is because it will affect the next ten years of our lives. She then gave out bags filled with goodies to the elders.
Thanks to all the good donations from local dedicated businesses and everyone working together, our breakfast offered up a great time to all who attended.
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