Pukúu Cultural Community Services would like to thank all the volunteers that participated in our first workshop of the year, held on Sunday, February 21 at Rudy Ortega Sr. Park in the City of San Fernando.
We were amazed at the turnout of volunteers we had. We were able to complete over 50 dreamcatchers and 25 gourds. The gourds and dreamcatchers that were made will be given to our elders at the “Elders Breakfast” in celebration of the Native New Year – the Spring Equinox – on March 20 at Rudy Ortega Sr. Park.
Without our community’s support for Pukúu, we would not have been able to make the workshop a success. Speacial thanks to our instructor Bill Heddy, of the Choctaw Nation for assisting our volunteers on the dreamcatchers. Our volunteers will receive a FREE ticket to Disney through our Disney Give a Day Get a Disney Day Program.