

Chief Little Bear Indian Youth Scholarship 2010

Pukúu, Cultural Community Services California Indian Youth Scholarship provides up to $1,000 for the 2010-2011 Academic years and was established to assist California Indian students with the pursuit of their education through the granting of competitive and meritorious based financial scholarships. Pukúu, Cultural Community Services California Indian Youth Scholarship will provide two awards of $1,000 each to support California Indian students who want to continue their education. Scholarships shall be granted to eligible applicants on a yearly basis (as long as there are funds available). Each award is for a 12­month period, renewable for a second year pending demonstration of exceptional progress.

Eligibility Requirements

1 Must be American Indian or Alaskan Native living in California. (Documentation of enrollment or descen­dancy is required. Attach a Letter from BIA, Tribe, or Tribal ID and State ID)

2 Must be a enrolled student at an accredited College or University.

3 Must have engaged in community service within the previous 12 months as validated by their college nominator either on campus or in the community.


Attach to this application on a separate sheet of paper. In two pages or less, please discuss your academic, career, and personal goals, as well as any extenuating circumstances or any other information that you would like the Administrator to be aware of when reviewing your application. Be sure to respond to the following questions:

1) How you view your Native American Heritage and its importance to you, 2) How do you plan to “give back” to Native Americans after graduation, and 3) Describe your on­going active involvement in the Native American community both on and off campus.

Please Call Pukuu Cultural Community Services for the application.
